Frontend Listing

Customize the form style as you desire without having to touch a single line of code. 

Introducing the Frontend Listing Addon 

List the entries users have submitted in a tabular format on the posts or pages of your website. Users’ entries for a certain form can be viewed and verified by visitors.  

Select a Form to List  

Quickly choose a form that you want to display in the front end. 

Access to Guest Mode 

You can allow access to guest users so that they’ll see the listing.

Profile Details Control  

Select whether you want user profiles to be viewable or not. 

List Entries Via Shortcode 

Easily add the list section to your desired page or post with shortcodes.  

Customize the Detail Page 

Visitors can view each entry in detail. You can decide which form fields will appear on the detail page. 

Display Specific Fields Only 

Select which form fields will appear in the frontend listing of your chosen form. 

Build WordPress Forms Like a Pro in Minutes 

The only WordPress form builder plugin you’ll ever need. Experience intuitive form creation, customization, and styling with Everest Forms. 

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