Email Templates

Use custom email templates to deliver personalized emails to users after form submission.

Stunning Emails With Customizable Templates 

Effortlessly send consistent, professional-looking, and personalized emails. 

What’s More?

Loads of Options for Typography and Color - Email Templates

Loads of Options for Typography and Color 

Easy to bring your imagination to reality! Play around with fonts and colors to make your email attractive. 

Hundreds of Font Families to pick from. 

Individual font and color customization for different headings and text. 

Take Control Over Your Header and Footer 

Reflect your brand’s identity the right way! Style your logo, and add fantastic titles and taglines to represent yourself. 

Logo, title, and tagline typography and color options. 

Header and Footer alignments to showcase you. 

Background customization with feasibility to insert an image. 

Alter borders as you see fit. 

Take Control Over Your Header and Footer - Email Templates
Body Customization - Email Templates

What About the Body

Custom font size and separate color choices to make your content stand out! Insert an attractive background color or a customizable image. Personalize the borders to finish it all off! 

I Would Love to Style the Containers too 

Sure, how about styling the container’s outside and inside parts? Attractive color usage and images will help you do so. 

Container Styling - Email Templates
For a Personal Touch

For a Personal Touch 

Fluent in coding? Why not add additional CSS to the template? Pretty sure that will wrap it up! 

Build WordPress Forms Like a Pro in Minutes 

The only WordPress form builder plugin you’ll ever need. Experience intuitive form creation, customization, and styling with Everest Forms. 

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